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This short tutorial is listing steps required to start a new project relying on Odem and Hitchy to establish a server-side application that's exposing a REST API for storing data.

Setup project

First create a folder for your application and enter it:

mkdir my-new-app
cd my-new-app

Initialize your application's package management so dependencies are tracked:

npm init

Answer all the questions according to your needs.

Now install hitchy and @hitchy/plugin-odem-rest as dependencies:

npm install hitchy @hitchy/plugin-odem @hitchy/plugin-odem-rest


Previously, installing @hitchy/plugin-odem-rest was implicitly installing @hitchy/plugin-odem. Due to recent issues this has been dropped and so you need to install @hitchy/plugin-odem yourself, now.

Define models

Create a folder for your models:

mkdir -p api/models

Put all the model definition files in there.

Let's create something ravish like a blog. This would require definition of a post, thus create a file named api/models/post.js with the following content:

export default {
    props: {
        title: { required: true, },
        teaser: {},
        content: { required: true, },
        createdAt: { type: "date", index: true },
    hooks: {
        afterCreate() {
            if ( this.$isNew ) {
                this.createdAt = new Date();

Start Hitchy

At this point Hitchy is ready for managing blog posts via REST API. Thus, start it with:

hitchy start

Hitchy not found?

If hitchy is not found this might be due to issues with your Node.js and npm setup. In most cases using npx solves this issue for now:

npx hitchy start

Keep it running while trying out next.


Whenever you want to stop Hitchy press Ctrl+C to gracefully shut it down.

Try it out

Open your browser and enter URL displayed in output of running Hitchy. Let's assume it reads, so open this URL in your browser.

It will render very simple error page regarding request for unknown page. That's okay because automatic REST API is the only thing that's instantly available and this is using the configurable prefix /api/. So, try to fetch its base URL

It will render the same error page. That's still okay because the exposed REST API needs to know a model you like to work with at least. The model's name is appended to the URL. We've created a model named post, so that's what you need to append to URL. Try fetching URL

This time you get a different response. There is no HTML document, but some JSON-formatted data. It reads similar to this one:


It says to have no existing items for the selected model. Let's create one now by opening URL First Blog Post&content=read this. This results in a different JSON-formatted response:


Basically, this response is a good one for it's providing the unique ID of the actually created post.

Return to the previous URL and see the list is not empty any more:

{"items":[{"title":"My First Blog Post","content":"read this","createdAt":"2019-08-16T09:01:52.000Z","uuid":"0ece354f-06d5-415c-8910-27ee72f380f7"}]}

This time the list of items contains one object consisting of the properties title and content as provided on creating post. In addition there is a timestamp in property createdAt which is due to the hook afterCreate() included with the model's definition file above. Eventually there is the same UUID as returned on creating the post.

Append this UUID to the listing's URL to get that post's record, only. Open URL

IDs are unique

Be aware that the UUID in this example is different from the one you've got before, most probably. Thus you have to replace it with your UUID.

This is REST API?

Well, it's sort of REST API.

@hitchy/plugin-odem-rest comes with a set of GET-only requests to support instant and easy management of items by using browser, only. Apart from that there is a more sophisticated REST API supported as well.

So, instead of using URL given above long term you should stick with doing POST-requests for with properties provided in request body for creating new items.