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Model definition

How to define

There are two ways supported for defining models:

  • Due to integrating with Hitchy's automatic discovery of plugins it is possible to place model definitions in files to be discovered into models automatically.
  • In server-side code you may use the Model API directly to define new models.

Both scenarios are described below.

Defining in filesystem


We consider this approach to be the default for defining models.

Hitchy's document-oriented database is tightly integrated with Hitchy by means of meeting the latter one's conventions on how to declare server-side models. That's why defining a model basically works just by adding a Javascript file in folder api/models of your Hitchy-based project. For example, by creating file api/models/user.js you are implicitly defining to have a user model named User.

Any such file is assumed to expose the definition of another model. This is possible by sticking with the following pattern:

export default <definition>;

CommonJS support

Previous support for defining models in CommonJS format is still available. If your project is of type commonjs or when using a file with extension .cjs, you can define models using this pattern:

module.exports = <definition>;

In this pattern <definition> must be replaced with the actual definition of a model. A definition's syntax is commonly described in a separate chapter below.

Any file-based definition of a model is eventually processed through Model.define() which is described in next chapter. The resulting model is then exposed in Hitchy's API. So in a request handler you might use the model as req.hitchy.runtime.models.<ModelName> or as this.models.<ModelName>.

The name of a model is derived from the name of the defining file. This derivation assumes filename is given in kebab-case and converts it into PascalCase.


To create an application working with models Post, Comment and User you basically need to create files post.js, comment.js and user.js in folder api/models. A model named BlogEditor would be defined in a file named api/models/blog-editor.js.

Defining in server-side code


In most cases you should stick with support for defining models in filesystem.

In selected situations you might want to define models in server-side code programmatically. This is possible by using static method define included with the Model API of Hitchy's document-oriented database which is exposed as a service component of Hitchy's API named Model.

const { Model } =;


Model gets exposed as a Hitchy service component since version 0.5.0 of Hitchy's document-oriented database. In previous version you need to require() the plugin:

import { Model } from "@hitchy/plugin-odem";

Provided method Model.define() is accepting these arguments:

  • First there is the name of the desired model.

    When defining models via filesystem those models are discovered by Hitchy and exposed just like any other component. The resulting name of either model as a component will be used for naming the model by default.

    When defining in code you are responsible for applying any such derivations as desired. In this case the model's name is not used in any sort of registry implicitly and thus might be ignored as well.


    The definition in second argument might contain property name to define a different name explicitly. This information is always used in favour of the name provided in first argument here.

    The model's name is used to expose it as part of Hitchy's runtime API. It might be used to name the related set in datasource available via some adapter, as well.

  • Second argument provides the definition as it is exported by the defining file. The definition is required. It also must define at least one actual property.

  • An optional third argument may be provided to choose a particular base class the defined model is deriving from. That base class still needs to be derived from Model, though.

  • A fourth argument might be given to select an adapter to be explicitly used with the resulting model instead of using some globally configured default adapter.

The full signature is:

Model.define( name, definition, baseClass = Model, dataStorageAdapter = null );

Basically it is okay to stick with the first two arguments:

const { Model } =;

const Person = Model.define( "person", {
	props: {
		lastName: {},
		firstName: {},
		age: {},
} );

Third argument can be used to create a hierarchy of models:

const { Model } =;

const Person = Model.define( "person", {
	props: {
		lastName: {},
		firstName: {},
		age: { type: "number" },
} );

const Employee = Model.define( "employee", {
	props: {
		employedSince: { type: "date" },
}, Person );

Definition syntax

The definition of a model always starts with an object. Most properties of this object start another section of definition each defining a different kind of elements per model. In addition some further properties are used to define global information.

Properties vs. Properties

This documentation is using the term properties in different situations. For better understanding it is viable to understand those differences.

  • Definition properties are properties of the definition object as described here.

  • Root-level definition properties are those properties of the definition object mentioned right before. They start sections of the definition or define global information. In opposition to those all other definition properties are used at deeper levels of definition object's hierarchy.

  • Defining a model always requires to define the model's properties. These are separated into

    • actual properties and
    • computed properties

    with the latter being calculated from the former or any other source of information at runtime of a model's instance.

Elements of model definition

Every definition of a module needs to contain at least one property. As demonstrated before, properties are defined in a separate section of definition named props. This section is just one of several supported sections like these:

  • props is defining all actual properties,

  • computed defines computed properties that derive their value from actual properties,

  • methods lists functions to be exposed as instance methods of resulting model,

  • hooks provides lists of functions to be registered as handlers for a limited set of life cycle event.

  • options provides model-related options adjusting its behaviour in certain situations.

  • indices (or indexes) provides index definitions used to improve performance on searching and sorting items.

Either part is described in detail below.

Actual properties

Defining at least one actual property in props is mandatory. Every such property definition consists of a unique name for the property and an object describing its type and optional constraints.


The name of an actual property must not be used by any other actual or computed property or method of same model. In addition it may neither start with $ nor match name of any life cycle event nor match any of following keywords: prototype, super, constructor, uuid.

    props: {
        firstName: {},
        lastName: {}

This example is defining two actual properties. Their type defaults to string unless some type is picked explicitly by providing type in property description:

    props: {
        firstName: {},
        lastName: {},
        age: {
            type: "integer"

There is a list of currently supported property types explaining how to pick either type as well as introducing specific constraints for either supported type of property.

Computed properties

In addition to actual properties a model may include computed properties. Every such computed property has a unique name in scope of its model and an implementation actually computing its value.

Computed properties are defined in section computed. This section is a regular object consisting of named methods. Every method in this section defines another computed property.

Either computed property's function is invoked in scope of an instance of its model. When reading computed property, the function is invoked without any argument. It is possible to assign values to computed properties, as well. This results in its function being invoked with provided value as sole argument.


The name of an computed property must not be used by any other actual or computed property or method of same model. In addition it may neither start with $ nor match name of any life cycle event nor match any of following keywords: prototype, super, constructor, uuid.

    props: {
        ageInSeconds: { type: "integer" }
    computed: {
        ageInDays() { return this.ageInSeconds / 86400; }

Computed properties can be used like regular properties:

console.log( someModelInstance.ageInDays );

This includes assigning value to a computed property:

someModelInstance.ageInDays = 5;

In this case the defined function implementing the computed property's behaviour is invoked with assigned value in first argument:

    props: {
        ageInSeconds: { type: "integer" }
    computed: {
        ageInDays( value ) {
            if ( value === undefined ) {
                return this.ageInSeconds / 86400;
            this.ageInSeconds = value * 86400;

Selecting type handler 0.3.0+

Computed properties can be indexed and it's possible to use them for searching instances - with or without index. Discovering matches strongly depends on selected search operation, such as eq or lte testing for records with property's value equal or less than a given value.

Any such operation depends on selected property's type of value in turn. For actual properties you already know how to define a particular type of values.


A computed property does not need to be bound to a particular type of values unless using it for searching matches.

For a computed property it is possible to select an assumed type of result value by appending type's name to the computed property's name separated by a single colon.

    props: {
        ageInSeconds: { type: "integer" }
    computed: {
        "ageInDays:number"() { return this.ageInSeconds / 86400; }

In this example the name ageInDays has been extended by some type selection: ageInDays:number. The quotation marks are required to have the colon considered part of name.


The suffix :number is not a part of resulting property's name. It is still called ageInDays and is used just like before.

Extended definition 0.3.0+

A definition of computed properties as presented before is considered the simple and usual way. However, on processing such a concise definition a more complex format is created to firmly expose all information related to the computed property.

When inspecting a resulting model's schema for defined computed properties there will be an object instead of a function.

  • In its property code there is the actually given function implementing the computed property.
  • The optionally defined result type to be assumed is named in property type and the according type handler is exposed as $type. Either property may be undefined in case of omitting definition of particular result type.

In addition the name of computed property as used in model's schema is stripped off any appended type information.

For example, a definition like

computed: {
    fullName() { return this.lastName + ", " + this.firstName; },
    "ageInDays:number"() { return this.ageInSeconds / 86400; }

will be exposed in schema like this:

computed: {
    fullName: {
        code() { return this.lastName + ", " + this.firstName; },
    ageInDays: {
        code() { return this.ageInSeconds / 86400; },
        type: "number",
        $type: { ... API of type handler for numbers ... },

This resulting format for defining a computed property may be used in the first place instead of that simple approach described before, as well.

Instance methods

The definition may list methods to be exposed per instance of resulting model. They are provided in section methods of definition object. Methods are invoked in context of a particular instance of resulting model, thus using this is available for accessing an instance's properties.


Arrow functions do not work here for lacking support for this.


The name of a method must not be used by any other actual or computed property or method of same model. In addition it may neither start with $ nor match name of any life cycle event nor match any of following keywords: prototype, super, constructor, uuid.

    props: {
        password: {}
    methods: {
        setPassword( clearText ) { 
            this.password = create_hash( cleartext ); 

Hooks for life-cycle events

In section hooks a listener function for every supported life-cycle event may be defined. A listener is invoked in context of the affected model (except for beforeCreate), thus using this is available to access the affected instance. Arguments passed on calling either hook depends on related life cycle event.


Arrow functions do not work here for lacking support for this.

    props: {
        someProp: {}
    hooks: {
        beforeValidate() {
            // TODO implement handler, instance is available as `this`


For improved readability of resulting definition hooks may use prefix on preceding name of life-cycle event with that one's first letter capitalized. Thus, the alias onBeforeValidate can be used in definition instead of beforeValidate. In the schema exposed on resulting model this prefix will be removed, though.


A schema definition may include options for customizing the resulting model's behaviour in selected situations. These options are given in a separate section of schema named options.

These options are supported currently:


This option controls value exposed as property onUnsaved of resulting model.

   props: {
       someProp: {}
   options: {
       onUnsaved: "ignore"


This option is controlling whether some model is accessible through client-facing APIs. Supported values are:

  • public (default) is declaring model to be available to the public.

  • protected is declaring model to be available to authenticated users, only, by default.

    A more sophisticated authorization control is applied as soon as @hitchy/plugin-auth has been included with a project.

  • private is declaring model to be excluded from any client-facing API. Server-side code has access on this model, only.

    Additional prerequisites

    This feature must be supported by separate plugin implementing some client-facing API, like @hitchy/plugin-odem-rest implementing an HTTP REST API. It is up to either implementation to discover requests of authenticated users, too.


This option is controlling whether some exposed model is included in lists of a server's models available as part of some client-facing API. Supported values are:

  • public to always include the model in responses to such requests.

  • private to always exclude the model from responses to such requests.

  • protected to include the model in responses to such requests of authenticated users, only, by default.

    A more sophisticated authorization control is applied as soon as @hitchy/plugin-auth has been included with a project.

    By default, this option's value is identical to the one given in option expose.

    Additional prerequisites

    This feature must be supported by separate plugin implementing some client-facing API, like @hitchy/plugin-odem-rest implementing an HTTP REST API. It is up to either implementation to discover requests of authenticated users, too.


    In HTTP REST API there is an option for fetching all supported models' schemata. When promote option is private the model is not included in responses to that overview request. It does not affect requests for fetching a particular model or its schema, though.


Defining a model basically does not require definition of any index. However, managing large amounts of items strongly benefits from indices that support operations frequently used to search and sort instances by a property either index is covering.

Indices result in redundantly stored information and thus should not be created for each and every property and operation probably used for searching instances some day. Managing indices has a negative impact on saving data, too. In addition, temporary indices result in Hitchy applications taking more time to start. That's why you should always explicitly define as many indices as required and as little indices as needed.

There are two opportunities for defining indices to be described below.

Defining index for actual property

Indices may be defined in conjunction with either property just like its type and optional constraints. A property's indices are defined in another definition property named index there. This definition property is listing types of indices each usually related to some test operation used on searching items by this particular property. The resulting index is meant to improve that related operation's performance.

export default {
    props: {
        firstName: {
            index: "eq"
        lastName: {},
        age: { 
            type: "number",
            index: ["gt", "lt"]

This example is declaring indices for the properties firstName and age. It does not define an index for property lastName.

In case of firstName an index of type eq is defined, which is an abbreviation for equality. This index is meant to improve searching items exactly matching some given value.

Equality is sufficient

By design, an equality index is suitable for improving additional search operations as well. That's why you would stick with equality indices in most cases and it is why Odem currently is not supporting any other type of index.

The second case of age is illustrating opportunity to define separate indices suitable for improving search by age being greater than (thus gt) or less than (thus lt) some given value.

When defining single index per property the index type may be given as string, too. See firstName in example above. For sake of readability using true instead of an index type name is supported as well and it's identical to using "eq":

export default {
    props: {
        firstName: {
            index: true

Multiple indices may be defined per property. This requires use of an array listing type of either index and it has been demonstrated on property age in example above. Alternatively an object may be used to map either type of index into some truthy value.

export default {
    props: {
        age: {
            type: "number",
            index: {
                lt: true,            
                gt: true,

This syntax is required in selected situations as described in section on index reducers below.

Defining index in separate section 0.2.8+

Some use cases can not be defined in context of an actual property's definition. That's why defining indices in a dedicated section of your schema definition is supported as well.

Section indices (or indexes or index which are checked in this order as fallback, only) of your schema definition may provide an object mapping either name of an index into its definition. The latter is given as another object.

    indices: {
        firstName: { ... },
        age: { ... },

In this example two indices named firstName and age are defined. The names must be unique in context of defined model.

The index options are customizing the kind of index. There is a default for every supported option. If you just want to rely on all defaults you might provide true instead of the options object.

    indices: {
        firstName: true,
        age: true,

These are the commonly supported options per index definition:

  • The type of index is usually "eq" selecting definition of an equality index. It is the default type and as of now it is the only supported one as well.
  • The index reducer is a function to be invoked on every value that's passed to the index e.g. for tracking its containing item on change of indexed property's value or for searching items by indexed property.

When defining a property-related index here (instead of doing so in context of property as described before) another option property selects the model's property which is to be covered by resulting index. This may address an actual or a computed property.


A schema must not define multiple indices of same type for the same property. This holds true even when defining some indices in context of properties and some in context of this dedicated section.

Defining index for computed property

On declaring indices in separate section of schema it is possible to define indices for computed properties, too.

Indices for computed properties still rely on particular type of values delivered by either computed property. For there is no reliable way of implicitly discovering what type of values a computed property will deliver for indexing, you should provide a particular type explicitly. This is possible

By default assumed values of computed properties are numeric. When selecting a particular type index becomes capable of handling non-numeric values. Failing to do so results in non-numeric values rejected from being tracked in index. This may cause related entries not being found when searching your data via related index.

    props: {
        firstName: {},
        lastName: {},    
    computed: {
        fullName() { 
            return this.lastName + ", " + this.firstName;
        searchable() {
            return ( this.lastName + ", " + this.firstName ).toLowerCase();
    indices: {
        lastName: true,
        fullName: true,
        searchable: {
            propertyType: "string"

In this example three indices of type equality are defined for covering the actual property lastName and the computed properties fullName and searchable. Definition of the latter includes declaration of assuming string values, only.

Index reducer 0.2.7+

By default, any index is created using selected property's values as-is. In several cases this is not desired, though.

  • String-based indices work case-sensitive by default. Often it is sufficient to work case-insensitively. An index reducer can be used to establish this.

  • When defining index for a property of type date there might be different values for every item due to creating another item every second. This would result in a very inefficient index tree. Probably the application does not need to find values of that property for every second, but is satisfied with searching all items of a day.

  • When defining index on a string property this property might have arbitrarily long string values resulting in a huge waste of memory when redundantly using either string for indexing in full. The related application might be okay with distinguishing between given string values when focusing on first 20 characters per string. In this case saving more than 20 characters per string value does not make sense.

In either situation an index reducer may be defined. This is a function invoked to derive a value for use in declared index from either actual value of related property. When defining index reducer for single equality index you may provide a definition property index which is a function. Just replace:

export default {
    props: {
        firstName: {
            index: "eq"


export default {
    props: {
        firstName: {
            index: value => value.substr( 0, 20 ), 

to declare index reducer for equality index that is causing index to always cover first 20 characters per string value at most.


Any index reducer is invoked if related value is set, only. Thus index reducers are never invoked with null or undefined.

The definition property index must be given as object when declaring index reducer for other types of indices or when defining multiple indices with one or more of them using index reducer. The following example is equivalent to the previous one:

export default {
    props: {
        firstName: {
            index: {
                eq: value => value.substr( 0, 20 ),

You can declare different reducers per type of index this way:

export default {
    props: {
        firstName: {
            index: {
                eq: value => value.substr( 0, 20 ),
                gt: value => value.substr( 0, 3 ),

Reducers are always invoked of context of related item. That's why any reducer can access full API of that item when using regular function instead of arrow-function:

export default {
    props: {
        firstName: {
            index: {
                eq( value ) { return this.scrumble( value ); },

When combining definition of multiple indices you may provide true instead of a reducer function to define related type of index without custom index reducer:

export default {
    props: {
        firstName: {
            index: {
                eq( value ) { return this.scrumble( value ); },
                gt: true,

When searching a model for property value with index using index reducer the search value is passed through either index reducer as well.

Naming Models

The name of a model is provided as first argument to Model.define(). In case of defining via filesystem this name is derived from the defining file as described before.

However, every definition of a model may provide an explicit name to use instead. This name must be provided in special root-level definition property name.


Due to using a model's name in string interpolations in context of evaluated code model names have to start with a latin letter followed by a mixture of further latin letters, digits and underscores.

  • Good: My5thGrade_YearBook_
  • Bad: My 5.-Grade Year Book or My-5thGrade-YearBook
    name: "MyCustomName",
    props: {
        someName: {}

When putting this in a file api/models/public-holiday.js the resulting model will not be implicitly named PublicHoliday, but MyCustomName.

Authorization control 0.8

First of all, no authorization control applies to custom server-side code using this plugin's API to access and manage data in models.

However, when using client-facing APIs such as the HTTP REST API, options for limiting access on models and properties are considered by plugins implementing those APIs.

If authorization control applies,

  • private models and properties are always hidden,
  • public models and properties are always available to clients for reading and writing (unless marked as read-only) and
  • protected models and properties are available to authenticated users, only.

For protected models and properties, a more sophisticated authorization management is used instead if @hitchy/plugin-auth has been additionally installed in your project. By then,

  • exposing a protected model named ModelName requires access on resource

  • promoting a protected model named ModelName requires access on resource

  • accessing a protected property named propName of model named ModelName requires access on resource

    In fact, this resource is a prefix to a group of resources individually controlling separate kinds of access:

    • controls if property propName is included with requests for listing or finding items of model ModelName.

    • controls if property propName is considered on requests for creating new item of model ModelName.

    • controls if property propName is included with responses to requests fetching a single item of model ModelName.

    • controls if property propName is considered on requests for mutating a single item of model ModelName.

    Based on the hierarchical nature of the authorization management, you can either grant or revoke access on the whole property or on those different kinds of accessing it.

Additional considerations

Based on the used API, additional resources may be tested for granting or revoking access on certain features of either API. Because of that, always check related documentation.

Property Processing

A model's properties are passing separate stages in different situations of interacting with a model's instance. In general, those stages are:


A property's value is serialized when writing it to persistent data storage through some adapter. Values are converted into a format which is basically just describing the original value and is suitable for being written into a data storage for later recovery.


A property's value is deserialized when reading it back from persistent data storage through some adapter. This is the counterpart to serialisation and recovers the original value of a property from its description resulting from previous serialisation.


A property's value is coerced

  • when assigning a value as in instance.myProp = newValue,
  • after deserializing its value read from record in persistent data storage and
  • when comparing it with another value (applying coercion to either value).

Coercion is meant to assure that a property's value always complies with the property's declared type. A type's implementation of any other stage should assume a provided value's type. That's why coercion is applied whenever trying to adjust a property's value or when trying to compare it with other values.


A property's value is tested for complying with defined constraints.


A value is tested for satisfying some given comparison operation probably involving one or more additional values.

Chronology of Stages

When interacting with a model's item described stages are passed in different combinations. When you load it from data storage its properties are deserialized and coerced. After that you can adjust the properties which results in another coercion of either assigned value. When saving changes to data storage validation occurs right before serializing properties' values.

Properties are processed using separate components each suitable for handling a particular type of values. Those type handlers provide implementations for either stage described before.

Implementations for stages coercion and validation may be customized using special options in either property's definition. Supported options are described for every type of property below. Badges coercion and validation are used there to indicate whether some option is obeyed in either stage of processing a related property.

Property Types

As described before every property is bound to one out of several supported types. Properties not picking any type explicitly are bound to type string by default.


null or undefined are supported by either type of property. They are used to indicate that there is no actual property value.

The following example defines two properties of type string.

    props: {
        name: {},
        password: {}

The same can be achieved by picking types explicitly like this:

    props: {
        name: {
            type: "string"
        password: {
            type: "string"

In property definitions the type option selects a type handler which is affecting the property's processing as described before.

Every type of property comes with a set of definition properties or constraints that can be optionally applied when defining the model. There are some commonly supported constraints to be listed here. Type-specific constraints are listed below in combination with introducing either type.


default coercion 0.4.3

When set, its value is implicitly assigned to the property on creating a new item.


export default {
    name: "MyModel",
    props: {
        type: { default: "foo" },
        score: {},

This results in a model with properties named type and score. Creating new instance of this model will assign any provided default alue implicitly:

const instance = new MyModel();
console.log( instance.type );     // "foo"
console.log( instance.score );    // undefined

private 0.8

If set, this property is unconditionally protected from all access via client-facing APIs such as an HTTP REST API. The property is not included on reading an item nor is it considered as input on adjusting an item. Using it in a filter for listing matching items is rejected, too.

See the section on authorization control for additional information.

This option takes precedence over protected option when both have been declared on a property.


In your custom server-side code accessing a model's API, this property is always ignored.

protected 0.8

If set, this property is protected from unauthorized access via client-facing APIs such as an HTTP REST API.

See the section on authorization control for additional information.


In your custom server-side code accessing a model's API, this property is always ignored.

readonly 0.8

If set, client-facing APIs such as an HTTP REST API are ignoring this property on handling requests for changing an item. It is still considered on creating new items, though.


In your custom server-side code accessing a model's API, this property is always ignored.

required validation

This boolean options applies constraint controlling whether this property requires a non-null value or not. When set true instances of the model must not be saved without providing non-null value for this property.


Strings are declared with type: "string". Properties without a type option are considered as of type string by default, too.

Properties of type string are capable of holding a sequence of arbitrary characters. The following options customize the way either string property gets processed and validated.

lowerCase coercion

This boolean option demands to replace all uppercase letters in value with their lowercase counterparts.

maxLength validation

This integer option applies constraint requiring maximum number of characters in a non-null value.

minLength validation

This integer option applies constraint requiring minimum number of characters in a non-null value.

pattern validation

This regular expression applies constraint requiring any non-null value to match this pattern. Provided pattern might be literal regular expression like /^some-pattern$/ or some string containing it, e.g. "^some-pattern$".

reduceSpace coercion

This boolean option declares whether whitespace should be normalized or not. Normalization refers to replacing all sequences of multiple whitespaces by a single SPC character.

trim coercion

This boolean declares whether values should be trimmed implicitly or not. By trimming a string value all leading and trailing whitespace gets removed.

upperCase coercion

This boolean option demands to replace all lowercase letters in value with their uppercase counterparts.


Numbers are declared with type: "number". Aliases are type: "numeric", type: "decimal" or type: "float".

Properties of type number are capable of holding numeric values with decimal digits.

max validation

This optional constraint requires non-null values to be less than or equal this number.

min coercion validation

This optional constraint requires non-null values to be greater than or equal this number.

In coercion this option declares the base value of optionally configured step size.


Declaring min: 4.2 and step: 5.3 results in numeric values snapped to values 4.2, 9.5, 14.8, ...

step coercion

This numeric option enforces values to snap to multitudes of this value based on configured minimum or to 0 if no minimum has been declared.


Declaring step size 1.0 while having integer minimum value constraint in min limits values to be integers, though they are still handled as fractional numbers without decimal digits.


A separate type handler is provided to particularly handle integers. This type handler is used when declaring a property with type: "integer".

The type handler supports the same options as the more common type handler for numbers while always limiting their effect to result in actual integer values.


Booleans are declared with type: "boolean".

Boolean values are true and false.

Starting with version v0.4.3 coercion supports some strings mapped into boolean values.

  • "yes", "y", "true", "t", "set", "on" are equivalent to true.

  • "no", "n", "false", "f", "unset", "off" are equivalent to false.

Either string is supported case-insensitively.

isSet validation

This boolean option applies constraint requiring any provided value to be true.


Timestamps are declared with type: "date". A supported alias is type: "time".

Values are represented using instance of Javascript's native class for Date. Due to supported coercion it's possible to assign strings as well using a limited set of formats.

max validation

This timestamp applies constraint requiring any value to be less than this timestamp or equal it.

The value might be given as string complying with a limited set of formats, as a string or numeric value representing number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1st, 1970 or as an instance of Javascript's natively supported class Date.

min coercion validation

This timestamp applies constraint requiring any value to be greater than this timestamp or equal it.

The value might be given as string complying with a limited set of formats, as a string or numeric value representing number of milliseconds since midnight of January 1st, 1970 or as an instance of Javascript's natively supported class Date.

step coercion

This numeric value is a number of milliseconds timestamp values are snapped to. The snapping occurs related to a given minimum timestamp declared in min.

time coercion

This boolean option controls whether time of day is considered or not. It must be explicitly set false to process dates without their time of day information.


UUIDs are supported to track references on associated instances of same or any other model.


A relational database like MySQL supports referencing instances of same or different model(s). This includes fetching referenced instances or aggregating information on such related instances as part of a query.

In Hitchy Odem - for being a document-oriented database instead of a relational database - relations between instances are not supported implicitly. Instead, it is up to your application to handle relations between instances. This property type is meant to save references on other instances you can use to indicate relations and handle those indicators as you like.

UUIDs are declared with type: "uuid". A supported alias is type: "key".

Values are represented as instances of Buffer containing 16 bytes. Due to supported coercion it's possible to assign strings as well using the common format of UUIDs like 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012.

On assigning any incompatible value it is coerced to null. This includes buffers with more or less than 16 bytes.

Life Cycle Events

When working with a model's instance it passes several stages of its life cycle. In either stage callbacks can be registered to be invoked as soon as the related life cycle event occurs.

Are there real events?

The term event has been chosen explicitly to help understanding the intention. However, in difference to other systems using events there is no actual event emitted and dispatched. Instead any callback defined for listening to a life cycle event is exclusively invoked when available. If there is no callback then there is no event handling at all.

This is why the section is actually named hooks for this term is closer to the real functionality.

export default {
    hooks: {
        afterSave() {
            // invoked when instance has been saved in database ...

This example declares a callback to be invoked after having saved an instance of this model. this is referring to the affected instance.

See the Model API regarding hooks for a full list of supported life cycle events.